Friday, September 28, 2007

September 28, 2007 - HYPERMARKET!!

WE HAVE A HYPERMARKET!!!!!!!!! It is kind of like a small version of Walmart. Kind of. It is right here in Sentani and it just opened today SO of course we HAD to go. It was air conditioned!!!! And CLEAN!!!!! It has an escalator and shopping carts with the cars in the front for Cale. Beep, Beep! We were escorted down to the store by a police man. How is that for service. They even have a place where you can check your helmets while you shop. It is so cool. And they had Frosted Flakes. It will eventually have some furniture and electronics, but right now that stuff is all stuck in Jakarta.
Today was Friday night games. Our boys did a good job, but they lost. However, last year when they played this team they got creamed but tonight it was a lot closer, so they are improving. And we also had Julie's birthday tonight after the games. She is now officially 15 years old.
Wyatt is spending the night at his friend Kreston house, Sophie went over to Maya's for awhile, and Emma had a birthday party so we were hanging out with Cale and feeling very "light" with so few children.
I know Carlena was nervous today when she heard that we fit 4 on Garth's new bike, but I will tell you -IT IS SO MUCH FUN!!! It is more like 3, because Cale doesn't really count cuz he is on my lap. Today, Beernt said that he wasn't feeling well, so we did a malaria slide on him and had to take a trip to one of the other hills for a nurse to read. So we just packed Garth, me, Sophie and Cale on the bike and went right over. Cale and Sophie are so funny on the bike. Garth will get on the bike to turn it around and Cale starts bawling everytime because he thinks that Garth is going to leave without him. Sophie comes home from Kindergarten asking Daddy when he can take her for a ride on the bike. If you ask Cale if he wants to go for a ride on Daddy's motorcycle he will drop what he is doing and say Bye, bye. And start walking for the door. It is definately a fun addition to our family.
Tomorrow if we go back to Hypermarket I will take a picture. I forgot how fun it can be to just shop, in air conditoning with Cale in a cart and not running everywhere picking up trash off the ground...that was very theraputic. :)
Goodnight to all my Walmart shoppers!

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