Monday, September 17, 2007

September 17, 2007 - Looking for Lessons

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Even the hard ones like today. Today started last night. Rachel’s back started hurting her the first week we got here. She thought it might be because of the hard floors she was standing on all day so she started wearing shoes more often. Not sure if that helped or not. Then on Friday, Sept 7th she noticed that it started hurting a little more. She doesn’t remember doing anything out of the ordinary that might have injured it. Then came our trip to Vanimo via bumpy roads and a day after we got back we took another trip to Jayapura that consisted of almost two hours on the road. All that mixed in with ojek rides and carrying Cale finally did her in. Yesterday she left church early because it was hurting so bad and last night she didn’t sleep for more than three hours. She is now bedridden. Dr. Di came to see her this evening and she believes that it is a herniated disc. Rachel and I almost pleaded for something stronger for the pain than what we received from the clinic earlier and she gave Rachel some Vicodin. It is 11:00pm now and Rachel is sleeping much better. Hopefully it will last through the night. Our children are worried about mommy. Please pray for them. The dorm kids are concerned too and have stepped up to help more in the kitchen. We usually do devotions right after dinner but I told the dorm kids I would be in our apartment with Rachel and there wouldn’t be any devos for the evening. Wyatt told me that the kids got together and prayed for Rachel instead. So…we’re looking for the lessons God has for us in this. Please pray that we find them and that my wife’s back will heal soon. Thanks.


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