Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 19, 2007 - Counting Butterflies

Since Garth is gone, Cale and I decided to walk down the hill to the store to break up our day, and get us outside. I realized quite quickly that in Cale’s eyes the walk was not about getting to the store as much as it was about what he could find along the way-for him it was more about the journey than the destination. The small puddles of water gathered in the dips of the cement, the little butterflies fluttering on the grass, the new pink flowers that just came up, the lawnmower, airplanes and anything else that makes noise. He loves looking at all that is going on. I knew that I could hurry him along the whole way-“Come on Cale-let’s go. Come on…” or enjoy the journey with him. “Oh, look at the butterflies. Let’s count them, satu, dua, tiga…” So needless to say, we counted butterflies! And had a splendid time.
We all went to the clinic today, but the doctor was so busy with patients that we will have to go back to have Wyatt’s mole removed. Emma’s count was better, but she was a bit dehydrated so she needs to keep drinking. She is still supposed to be on antibiotics for a few more days to make sure everything gets back to normal.
Sophie came in from playing with a very wet skirt. I said “Sophie, why is your skirt wet?” She says, “Oh, Mom, it is just from wetness.” Emma wrote a story on the back of our song sheet in church on Sunday. This is what it said:
There was a Princess, she was poor. But one day, a Prince came. He wanted to help the Princess, and she said “Yes, oh Yes.” - Emma is such a romantic dreamer. I love that about her. Emma can read just about everything and is doing great with her spelling and her cursive.
Garth should be home tonight if all goes well. He is out of cell phone range so I am unable to reach him. Last night our power went off at least 8 or 9 times. One stretch for quite awhile. Of course, by the time you stumble around in the darkness, (Garth needed to take the flashlight), find the candles, walk out to the kitchen for the matches and get them all lit, the power usually comes back on. When the power is out is the best time to run out and look at the stars. The other night when Garth and I were out looking at them, Garth said, “Wow, I have never seen Orion from this angle before. It is upside down (or backwards) I can’t remember what he said. But he was right. It is so amazing that the stars are the same, that they are in the same place night after night. The Bible says that God put the stars in place and can call them each by name. How cool is that!?! Last night, the kids were trying to do their homework by the light of candles. Sophie was saying, “This is just like in the olden days when they didn’t have lights or money and traded things with each other.” Sophie has made her own “clinic” out of a cardboard box. She will tell me, ”BYE, Mom. I am going out to look for hurt people to bring back to my free clinic.” Today Cale slipped on a part of the clinic box that was flat on the ground and he fell down right on his butt. “ GREAT! “ says Sophie. “Now I have a customer.” That’s one way to get them!
Speaking of Cale, I need to go check on him.
Love to all-

Go find some butterflies to count!

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