Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11, 2007 - Rain and Noodles

We woke up to a bright, sunny Sunday. We needed rain so bad, but so far it hasn’t come. Sophie, as she was getting ready, said “Mom, I think I will bring my umbrella to church today.” I told her she could but that it didn’t look like it would rain. She reminded me that we have been praying for rain, but decided to leave it. During the church service however, it began to pour. Sophie looked up at me and said, “See, Mom! That’s why I should have brought my umbrella.” Ahhhh, the faith of a child. Maybe she will grow up to be a meteorologist. It didn’t rain long and she was able to walk home without getting wet. During the service, we had communion. There was a time of silent prayer and I whispered to Sophie and asked her if she had anything she wanted to talk to Jesus about, anything she needed to apologize for, or wanted to thank Him for. She replied with an “OOOOH yes. I need to talk to Him about a few things. I was SO bad yesterday.” That would have been an interesting conversation to eavesdrop on!
Later, I had a great opportunity to trust in God and not fret. Garth had just left to take almost all of the dorm kids and Wyatt to Abeh (about 45 minutes away) to go shopping when again it began to mega downpour. I was thinking about how they were driving on the road and going past the very spot that my Aunt Carol had her bad car accident years before, and I was thinking about how the bus doesn’t have many seatbelts and how dangerous some of those curves in the road are, and how slippery the road can get…and I started to worry. I almost called Garth to have him call me when he got there so I would know he was safe, or to have Wyatt talk to me while they drove so I would know they were ok, but then I realized that I was totally forgetting that all of it; the drive, the rain, the bus, the kids, my family…are all in God’s care. The rain doesn’t freak God out and make Him wake up and suddenly start to pay attention to what is going on. He knows about it because He is in control of it all. So I did the only thing I could, and that was to pray for them, and then I went back to making muffins. And God gave me peace. They were all o.k. and made it back safe and sound. YEAH!! The whole thing may have been to teach me to trust God in every situation. It seems like I am learning things, but just a bit at a time.
The girls, Emma and Sophie and I had so much fun here while the boys were gone. We painted. I found some paints (watercolors) at a store here and some brushes, so we painted all sorts of pictures. That is therapeutic for me. Very relaxing and calming.
Last night, many of the dorm kids were at a birthday party, and since for Saturday dinner we never all eat together (it is just grab leftovers and heat them up whenever you want) so Garth and I decided to take our kids to a little place here for dinner. Some of the food was cold, but it was good. Cale had Mie Goreng-noodles with seasoning on them. He LOVED them. It was the funniest thing watching him eat. It looked like I hadn’t fed him all day the way he was wolfing them down. People were watching and one lady was taking a video. When he stood up, he had noodles and rice everywhere, and I am so NOT exaggerating. Next time we will bring the camera. Also, yesterday, Cale went potty on the toilet. It was just a coincidence, but we celebrated anyway. He has been dribbling the soccer ball lately-not bouncing with his hands, but dribbling it between his feet while he walks. And he is amazingly good at drop kicking the ball too. He has the timing and the hand- eye- foot coordination down pat.
The kids all send their greetings! We love you all so much-

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