Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 10, 2007 - Rappin' in Sentani

I just got back from a rap concert. Bet you never thought I would be saying that from Indonesia! There is a Christian rap group from Texas, Click 116, that is here in Sentani and they came to the school to put on a concert for the kids tonight. There were over 100 kids that showed up so that was good. Funny that they showed up here. You never know what might happen. Our dorm kids enjoyed it and Wyatt liked it a lot. He wants to learn how to do some of their dance moves. He informed me, “I might do that when I grow up.” So now he wants to be a professional baseball player, professional skateboarder, and a rap dancer. Interesting.
Garth and I decided to go into Abeh today. It is a town about 45 minutes to an hour away. Garth had never been to this store before but it was a big mistake for us to go today. With Idul Fitri coming up, EVERYONE was at the store-everyone-except maybe you. It was madness. Garth said he will never go back, but I think I will be able to persuade him. There is a KFC there in the store with a little play area and Cale had so much fun playing in the tunnels and going down the slide, so I think he will go back for that.
Sophie, who is my little planner, just gave me her list of ideas for her birthday, complete with drawings of the foods she wants and a drawing of the cake AND of course drawings of the presents. Her birthday is in June!
The dorm kids did a great job with Sadie Hawkins. Garth put a picture of their costumes on the blog. They made their own costumes and I must say I was impressed.
Night night to you all.

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