Friday, January 24, 2020

We Made It! Update #1

Hello to everyone from hot and sunny Indonesia. After 61 hours we arrived in Papua. It was long but so worth it! We are thrilled to be here. We got here on Monday and all our baggage arrived on Friday so we are thrilled about that. Thank you to everyone for praying! 
Here are some pictures of our goodbyes at the Milwaukee airport. We had to say goodbye to Wyatt as he flew back to Oregon. That was hard. And we had to say goodbye to my family (again). Wow. It just doesn't get easier. I wonder how many times we have done this? It's always hard.

It was such a joyful reunion in Papua. Oh, how we missed these people! Emma flew separately and arrived an hour after us. 
This is Sophie with her best friend Maya.

This is one of our dorm girls that we have had since grade 7, Hannah. She will be graduating next week.

We missed our mountain!

This is our adopted Indonesian family. This is me with Mama Chia.

I want you to feel like you are a part of this journey we are on. Many of you are a big part of getting us back here and we are so very thankful!
Just look at that sunset! Amazing.
Love you all- Rachel

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