Friday, January 24, 2020

May Update - We are headed back!

So, I want to give you all an update of where we are at. We have all of the money we need to head back to Indonesia!  WOOOOOOHOOOOOO! That is such a huge blessing. Thank you to everyone that helped make that miracle happen. We are really excited to be this close. It has been almost a year that we have been here in America. A year that was nothing like we planned or could have anticipated. At times it felt like around every turn there was another obstacle, but God continued to walk with us every step, often using you guys to bless us and help us out. Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, we say thank you.
We just got our tickets today to leave on Friday. Crazy. Unbelievable and exciting! It is hard to believe that this is the last time to do these heart-wrenching good-byes. This time we will be leaving two kids in America and taking two kids with us. I am not really sure if anything prepares you for that. Talk about trust. A long time ago I gave my kiddos to God and surrendered them to His care. So I can be assured that whether they are with me under my wings, or out there on their own, He is watching over them. They are never out of His sight. Still, my heart is sad. I love it when we are all together. I hate saying good-bye. It stinks. Good-byes are one of my least favorite things. We have been blessed to have extended time with my family and with all of our friends here in the Wisconsin area. That has been a blessing and we are thankful.
Cale is happy that we are still here. He has an art fair and a solo in the Spring Concert at school tonight. It is hard for him knowing when he will have to say goodbye to all his friends. His emotions are up and down. Pray for him. He has made some great friendships and is not looking forward to leaving them.
God is good. Pray for us as we wrap everything up here.
Thanks again for everything.


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