Friday, January 24, 2020

Unrest Update #7

Hey guys. I want to shoot you a quick email while I have the chance and update you. I am not sure if it has been in the news or not, but we have been having quite a bit of unrest and tension here. I am being careful how I word this so as not to raise any alarm as I know that some communications are being monitored. As of now ,because of the mounting tensions,  all internet has been turned off by those making decisions for this country. Rumor is it will go back on once the people start acting better, but the other rumors are saying maybe not until November.
We are not in any danger and when there is trouble around us we are notified to stay in so, no worries there. School is continuing as normal. It has been tricky without internet especially for the teachers taking Masters classes and the students taking Independent studies.  Please pray for the people to find rest and peace in Jesus and not in violence.
Yesterday the internet popped on for about an hour and I didn’t know about it until after. So today I am ready. I have this letter all ready to go just in case it comes on. Not having internet means all phones are left laying around. No one has them in their pockets and we are fine with that. We have had some beautiful sunsets and perfect evenings for walks. Our phones still work so thankfully we have been able to connect with our kiddos.
Pray for Emma as she starts her semester back up at JBU. Lots of change for her and sometimes change is hard. Pray for Wyatt. Right now they are not out at a fire but there is always the possibility he will be called. Sophie is playing and coaching volleyball and running for student council vice president. Cale is enjoying being top dog as he is in grade 8 this year. He has some good friends here and they find lots of fun, creative things to do after school.
Garth is teaching two Bible classes and some PE classes and I am teaching my Food Prep class. We have so very much to be thankful for and try to make each moment count. God is good, even when things aren’t the way we planned.
Hope you are well.

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