Thursday, May 12, 2011

One Red Boot

We keep losing our internet here so hopefully it will come on and stay on long enough for me to send this.

The kids have been praying for the days to go by slowly so they can enjoy every last minute of it.  I have been hoping that the days will be longer just so that I have enough hours to get everything done before we leave.

I can’t believe that in 17 days we will be leaving Sentani.  It doesn’t seem possible.  Has it really been four years?  Pray for us as we try to wrap everything up and get stuff packed and have last minute good-bye parties and all that.

I was looking through our pictures from Silimo and I wanted to tell you about something Cale did that was a great example to me.  The whole time we were in the village there was a little boy walking around with one red boot.  Just one.  Cale had brought his favorite pair of boots.  They are purple and used to be Sophie’s.  For some reason Cale has latched onto those boots and always wants to wear them. So when I was packing for Silimo he made sure that they were going to go with us. The day we were getting ready to leave the village to come home Cale decided that he would give his boots to the boy.  They were the perfect size and the little boy was very thankful and surprised.  Later I heard Emma and Cale talking about it, and Emma was saying that it must have been hard to give those up.  And Cale said, “They were my favorite but it wasn’t hard.  It was fun!”  You know, I could have made him give those up, and then he would have done it begrudgingly.  But the fact that he did it out of the love in his heart, is what blesses me the most.  Think about how God must feel when we give up something to spend time with Him, or willingly give of our money or talents-What an incredible blessing!



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