Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Big Breath

You know that sound you make after a really long day when you are finally home and you get to sit down and you let out a nice long deep breath?  That is the sound I am making right now.  “Aahhuuuuh”.

This weekend has been a merry-go-round of craziness.  Saturday was spent getting all the food ready for Junior Senior banquet, helping the girls with their hair and makeup then having company over.  Sunday the girls sang in church, we had our MAF goodbye luncheon, an earthquake –(small, no big deal), the 8th grade celebration that we were helping with, a big leak in the kitchen sink resulting in quite a bit of water on the floor (Yes, the same sink they fixed a month ago…), and then all the cleanup.  I am feeling it.  That was a bit too much.  In between all of that the girls and I started going through all of their stuff and packing it up and giving some away.

Everything went well.  Wyatt and two of his friends wrote a song for the 8th grade celebration and performed it tonight.  It was amazing!  He does such a fantastic job on the guitar.

Here are some pictures-Enjoy them.  I am going to bed!




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