Friday, October 17, 2008

What was that noise?

Cale is sitting here watching Corduroy. What a sweet movie. I just got done making two cakes, 2 pans of homemade granola and 2 jars of peanut butter. It feels good to sit down.
This morning Cale and I walked down to Hypermarket to get some peppers for our chicken fajitas. It is good for us to take that walk every so often because it gives us a chance to talk to other kids and Moms. There are so many friendly people on our street, and the kids are so cute. Cale just loves them. The kids tend to be shy and cautious around us, but Cale just goes right over and touches their face or hugs them. It is great.
I will show you the pictures.
We have had the volleyball tournament here so we have had games Wed night, Thurs night, and now tonight. Then tomorrow is the finals. The HIS teams are not doing well. Garth has been reffing for the games he is not coaching so the nights have been a bit crazy.
I am going to start helping a lady named Miss Jones. She is going to be teaching the younger kids ballet. Sophie and Emma are so excited. As you can imagine. So Mondays after school I told Miss Jones I would help her keep the kids under control. And on Thursdays Wyatt and I are going to go with some other kids to the orphanage and help teach the little kids English. They are being taught it in school but need help with regular conversation words. I wanted something I can do with Wyatt. He has so much freedom here, that I feel like he is slipping away. He comes home from school, grabs a snack and runs off to play until dinner. We do have our family time every night together which is wonderful. But then he will often go to the gym or play computer games with the other kids until bed. So this will be just what we need together. Sophie was so funny the other night during prayer. This is what she said,” Jesus, thank you that in Genesis 1:1 God created the heavens and the earth and thank you that you gave Noah direction and thank you that you gave us Your everlasting covenant.” Wyatt prayed, “Jesus, thank you for my esophagus.”
I do not know if I mentioned it, but our cat is going to have kittens. It shouldn’t be long now. The kids are really excited about this bit of news. They are praying that Gypsy has 4 kittens so they can each have one. I am hoping that Garth lets us keep them but I haven’t asked yet. Two nights ago we had a crazy loud storm. When that happens it always wakes me up. We have a tin roof and it always sounds like a steel drum in here. Anyways, our cat was restless. I am not sure if it was because of the storm or if she was chasing a cecuk. But she hopped up on the counter in the kitchen at 1 am and proceeded to knock off our big fryer onto the ground. It was full of oil and had a nice glass lid. I jumped out of bed at the noise and ran into the rooms of our apartment to check on all of our kids, but didn’t notice anything. However, in the morning, I quickly realized what that noise was I heard. What a mess! Unbelievable. She was so covered in oil. Garth and I have washed her 2 times but she still has a shiny coat. Boy, was the kitchen tile slippery for awhile!
Time to go watch the games.
Love Rachel

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