Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 8, 2008 - Making Things Last

I was thinking about my Grandma and Grandpa today. You know, a big part of their life was spent trying to make things last. They always had a vinyl cover to protect the couch and a clear, runner at the doors to protect the carpeting. My Grandma would reuse whatever she could: tea bags, McDonald’s containers etc. They always took their used car in to get it serviced when it was time. They were happy with hand-me-down clothing and found other ways to make their money last. When things were on sale they would stock up, if bananas were cheaper at Pick-N-Save, that is where they would buy them. They always wanted family time to last as well. You could never go over without both of them inviting you to sit and eat something, especially an oatmeal cookie, or a glass of juice. Every letter and picture and story would last for weeks. They would take them everywhere they went to share with all of their friends and even some strangers. They even tried to make their bodies last by walking everyday and going in for check-ups and eating just what they should, especially veggies from the garden.
But, you know-no amount of careful forethought can give you a guarantee. Health can still fail, kids can spill or forget to walk on the mats, the economy can crash, family can move away, cars can break down and on and on.
You know, if you go over to Cherry Street you will see that their house is still there, the car and the couch and the carpet are all still there. But if you were to ask my Grandparents they would tell you that those things are not what really matter. The way they lived their life, what they left behind, and most importantly, who they believed in-that is what is important. The one guarantee they had is from the Bible-they knew from verses like John 3:16 that God’s promise was true “-…whosoever believeth in Him (God) will not perish, but have ever lasting life.” They are not surprised that they are in Heaven. And neither are we. Contrary to what many religious people think, there is only one way to Heaven and that is through believing in God. And believing in God is so much more than just a quick ride “to the good place.” God wants to have a relationship with us and wants to be a part of our lives-not a bossy, overbearing man with a club over our head, but a loving Father who is there to help us, correct us, love us and guide us. Please think about this. If you don’t know what I mean, ask someone you know that would. Or read your Bible if you have one-start in John. Or get a Bible if you don’t have one. Whatever you do, don’t think that the good way you live your life is enough. It is not about being good enough because there is always going to be someone “more good” than you. And what if your good is not enough? You have no guarantee that you will live tomorrow, or next week, or next month. As foreboding as that may sound, it is absolutely true-and you don’t want to be too late. Think about this, and then do something about it. If you don’t know anyone to talk to about this, email me. I would love to talk to you.
Every day when I wipe off the vinyl cover we have over our dinner table, I think about my Grandparents and all the truths they taught me. I know them to be true because they are from God’s Word. Figure out today what you believe and check it by the Bible. It is only worth believing in if it is true. Otherwise, what good is it?
Love you

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