Monday, October 20, 2008

My Weekend

We had so much fun this weekend watching That Darn Cat. Remember that movie? It is great watching those oldie but goodies. Even Cale paid attention the whole way through.
This week we have a half-day on Wednesday and then there is Sadie Hawkins on Saturday. The high schoolers are all excited about that. They dress up as characters with their date and do an excellent job of being creative. I will make sure to take pictures. Every other Wednesday if a half-day. Wouldn’t that be nice? Oh, you only have to work half a day today-take the other half off…
Wyatt went to a birthday party at the pool on Saturday. While the boys were playing chicken fights, Wyatt’s face hit another kids head and one of his teeth was knocked out. It was a premolar on the side and I am hoping that it was a baby tooth. A dentist here said it was, but I wasn’t sure. Any dentists out there know if it is ok to lose a premolar?
Our church in Wisconsin had its Missions conference this weekend, and showed our video. The room was packed and people had to stand in the back. COOL! Did any of you go? My Mom sent me pictures of the table they set up with information on how we are doing and ways to contact us. Everything looked real nice. Thank you to Mom and Carlena for helping make all of that possible.
The school bell is about to ring for lunch so I need to cut this short. It is an actual bell, like in Little House on the Prairie. Each day someone rings it for the start and end of school, the start and end of recess and for lunch. It is a great way to keep track of what time it is.
Love you

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