Friday, October 24, 2008

My Week

I am here to give you a synopsis of our last few days. Do you know how it is when you turn a fan on near a bunch of papers and they all start blowing around? It has been similar to that, in a way. The volleyball tournament was crazy because it was every night for 4 nights. With Garth coaching and reffing-the nights were a blur. Then we had Sunday morning church where Garth and I were teaching the kids and Monday Cale woke up with a fever. He just wants Mommy when he is sick. We had a pembantu not show up on Tuesday, 5 or 6 runs to the market and the store and a half-day of school on Wednesday, the dorm kids are all getting ready for Sadie Hawkins on Saturday & needing things for their costumes. Then this morning I got a phone call at 6:45 a.m. that we are not going to have any house help on Saturday. Now Saturday here is one of our biggest work days because we cook the Saturday meal and then help prepare the Sunday meal and get all that laundry done because they don’t come in on Sunday. So when I heard that they wouldn’t be in, I knew that we would be busy today cooking the meals for today and Saturday and Sunday. Plus, I just happen to be having a party here on Saturday night so I had all sorts of stuff to make for that as well. But we worked together and got a lot of it done by 3pm. I just have a few more things to do tonight and tomorrow. Now, I need to figure out a way to fit it all in the fridge. I had to mark everything with signs saying “Don’t Eat” otherwise the dorm kids will eat it before I even get to serve it. In between all this is taking care of Cale who still has his fever. Please pray for him to start feeling better. He is a bit of a booger right now because he feels lousy.

Wednesday though we were able to do something special. The Olver’s dog was having puppies and we went over to see them being born. She had 5 little puppies total, and we were able to be there for part of it. What a treat for all of us. And yesterday was also something special. Wyatt and I went to a local orphanage and helped teach the kids English. I worked with 10 Jr. High girls and Wyatt worked with a lot of little kids playing “Red Light, Green Light” and teaching them the Alphabet song…It was good to do something together like that. We will go back once a week and work with the same kids. Tonight is the Friday night game. Volleyball is over so we are starting soccer. There are 4 HIS teams that play against 4 different Indonesian teams. The meal tonight is Hot Dogs (actual American ones). It is yummy!

I need to go. Love to all-


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