Friday, October 3, 2008

Watch for my kite

Our Holiday (Idul Fitri) is officially over. We had so much fun as a family. We flew kites, did face painting, haircuts, taught the kids how to play SPOONS, splashed outside in the tubs, had friends over and played water balloon volleyball, made pizza, played in the playground, ping pong, exercised, watch movies and popped popcorn, read books…fun, fun, fun!
We have some of the dorm kids now but not all as a few of them flew to Wamena to see the parents and won’t be back until Monday.
Yesterday when we were out flying our kite it was amazingly high and Garth wanted to go back to the hostel on his motorcycle to get the video camera. Well, in the few minutes he was gone the kite got even higher and then a big gust of wind came and knocked the kite out of Wyatt’s hand. We ran after the spool and got it, but unfortunately the end of the string was not attached to the spool so the kite took off on its own. We watched it for a long time-it went right over a mountain , and then a big, puffy cloud, and Sophie said, “Maybe it will go all the way to our country!” So keep a look out for a large, orange Chinese looking kite with yellow ribbons. Let me know if you get it. Ha ha.
For the Friday Night Game tomorrow, the teams are playing the parents and coaches. So that means that Garth is the coach for the Girls A team while the real coaches play against them, then he is coaching the boys B team, referee for the Girls B team, and then playing in the boys A team game. Busy night for that man. Should be fun to watch.
We still don’t have internet-however, we can go up to the computer lab and send this later tonight or tomorrow. In case we lose all internet, I need to wish my awesome, terrific, cute, funny, crazy, gregarious, outgoing, talented, and very kind Mother a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It will be her birthday on October 4-she will be plentynine. Mom, you are the best and I love you truly. Watch in the mail or at your front door. You have a surprise coming today or tomorrow from us.
Take care everyone.
Love you all-

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