Friday, January 1, 2010


Do you ever take the top off of a bottle of sprinkles to decorate a cake and everything is going well at first-sprinkle, sprinkle and then plop, a big spluge of sprinkles all comes out at once?  Well, that is how I feel about my trip back to the States.  I have always felt sprinkled with blessings but when I was there I felt like the blessings were plopped on me.  There were so many people that were a part of that.  My family doctor who had been out for 7 weeks with surgery on his knee was back at work, agreed to see me the day I called, and gave me two time slots so we wouldn’t feel rushed.  The specialist that I needed to see had been out with surgery on a tumor on his back, but was there for my appointment and called the hospital to get me in right away for a CT scan.  Friends and families donated clothes so that Cale and I would not be so cold.  Nurses called me with advice and thoughts about my condition, I was able to get my appendix out BEFORE it burst, (It could have happened at anytime), my home church gave us the money we needed for the trip, my parents Bible Study gave me lots of stuff to bring back for the Hostel, When Cale and I slid on the ice into the ditch we had 5 wonderful people come right away to pull us out, The lady on the phone with United switched my flight for me and did not charge me the penalty fee, My family watched Cale while I was at appointments and helped me make my recovery comfortable and wonderful, I was able to meet my new niece (that was so special), I had the chance to celebrate Christmas with those I love, and I could go on and on.  Talk about blessings!

I hope you find ways to enjoy the blessings you have whether they are sprinkled on you or plopped!

Love you-


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