Sunday, January 24, 2010


Here are a few shirts we saw hanging in a local store.  The English is always so funny.  In case you can’t read the last one, it says “Sweet and smart little frizzy”.


Tonight was our first Friday Night Game since the basketball season started.  The kids love running around playing with  all of the other kids that are up here during that time.  Sophie, (always in ‘leader mode’) set up a water project on the playground instructing people to build dams and trenches and all sorts of lakes.  Notice the gender of ALL of her workers…I wonder if I should be worried…


Cale had a terrific time making friends of his own.  (Again notice the gender…)


One of my favorite things to do is to take pictures of children.  I have found that there are some really beautiful kids here.  One day I want to compile all the pictures I have taken of Indonesian kids into some sort of album.  These three girls are just lovely aren’t they?  One of them could have been me.  Or you.  We had nothing to do with where were born.  We have so very much don’t we?  How often do we thank God for where we were born and how we look and all that we have??  Today would be a great day to do just that.


Love you


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