Monday, March 9, 2009

The Weekend

How are you today? Did you have a nice weekend? I know you lost an hour on Sunday. That is good news for me because now you are only 14 hours behind me! It makes me feel closer somehow. Garth was gone on Saturday. He took a bunch of high schoolers on the pipe walk (do you remember when I did that with him?) Same pipe. They hiked up it and then swam in the pools of water from the waterfalls. It is beautiful and fun, and they all had an awesome time.
The kids and I decided to make the best of our day so we took a long walk to an orchard area on our property that is so pretty. The kids brought a bucket and collected “treasures.” We found lots of cool things. Then we had a picnic outside under one of the pondoks we have (a covered hut with tables and a swing). It was such a gorgeous day. You would have loved it. It wasn’t too hot and it wasn’t too cool. There was a fantastic breeze and we had sandwiches and some Sour cream and onion chips that I got for my birthday and fruit. Wyatt had his new knife and made everyone little spears and we played a game of trying to get them to stick in the ground. And we played on the water tower, and swung on our swing. Sophie said it was the bestest picnic ever! Then we came in with our hair smelling like sunshine. Remember that smell? It is coming for you. Spring is coming! I promise! Isn’t that exciting? Hang in there. Don’t get frustrated with the cold. I miss it. I desperately wish I could have a day or two of snow and cold. But that is highly unlikely for me. So we both have to just deal with what we have.
Take a few minutes and look out the window and enjoy the blue sky. It might refresh your spirit.
Love you-Rachel

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