Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update on Cale

Here is an update on Cale.  This morning we took him to a hospital called Doyo and had three x-rays done of his collarbone.  It appears that it is NOT broken, but it is quite bent.  His bones are still so flexible that the bone arched up, but did not snap.  If you look at the x-ray, on the right side (when you are looking at it here) you can see the way the clavicle bone is supposed to be.  Fairly straight.  If you look at the left side, you can see how it is arched up.  However, a bump in just the right place could break the bone, so we are going to really have to watch him and keep it wrapped up until it heals.  But this is all good news.  No broken bones means a quicker healing time.  Yahoo!  Thank you for your care and your concern.  We will keep you posted.

Love you-


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