Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Highlights

The highlight of this email is not the full rainbow that was over the Hostel, or the fact that “miracle” kitty died, (and stayed dead), or that Cale can make and flip pancakes now, or even the amazing clouds that were engulfing

The sky-the highlight of the day (of this week) is that Wyatt is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He had a fantastic time with the village kids, hiking, swimming, climbing to a waterfall, sleeping in a hammock, and living like a Native.  He was cold the whole time, but he would love to go back and live there someday.  The experience was life changing.  He can hear words and names in other languages and remember them.  So he came home speaking many words and phrases in the Kosarek language.  I can’t wait to hear all of the stories. 

Thanks for all of your prayers for his safe journeys.  It turns out that he didn’t have to fly to Sentani all alone.  One of the dorm boys fell yesterday and broke his arm so he and his Dad flew with Wyatt.  What a blessing in disguise!  Pray for this boy, Dani, he is on his way to Jakarta and then maybe Singapore for surgery.

What a happy day in the Erickson house!

Love you-Rachel

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