Friday, January 7, 2011

A God Reunion

I was able to talk to Wyatt today!!!!!  It was on a SAT phone so his voice was scratchy and there was lots of static.  It was difficult to hear him clearly, so I don’t know how he is really doing.  He did say that they went to the river and took a hike to a waterfall.  I know that he has been playing soccer with a lot of the national kids and he loves that.  Each kid was able to ask him one quick thing.  Cale wanted to know if there were pigs running around his village and Wyatt said Yes.  Funny!  The best news of all is that we got Wyatt a flight to come back here on Monday!!!  I really miss him.  When our family is not together it feels so incomplete.  God worked all of that out perfectly. 

We all worked on fixing up Wyatt’s room this morning.  He will be so surprised.  Our resources here are quite limited but we were very creative with what we had.  When we went to Jayapura yesterday and ate at KFC, they served us our drinks in Pepsi cups with soccer players on them.  So we washed them out and hung them up.  Also Yesterday we found a cereal called Frosties that had pictures of soccer players on the box, so the girls and I made a garland chain of those and hung them up as well.  We hung up posters and pictures from the internet.  The girls made him a soccer ball out of Perler beads and a HUGE welcome home sign.  We even changed the picture on his clock to Ronaldo-(That is one of Wyatt’s favorite players).


You know, what I am going through right now with missing Wyatt is small compared to what God must go through when we drift away from Him.  I miss Wyatt so much my heart hurts.  I think about him all the time-Is he o.k.?  Is he hungry?  Hurt?  I think about what he would like and what he is missing.  I imagine how amazing it will be when we are all together again.  I can’t even begin to imagine how much God’s heart must break when I forget to spend time with Him, or I ignore His voice and listen to my own.  How would I feel if Wyatt walked off that plane and walked right by me-didn’t even miss me or want to acknowledge that I was there?  Oh, my Goodness!  That would be so awful!  God is right there, thinking about us all the time-waiting for us to jump back in His arms with tears running down our cheeks, squeezing Him and telling Him how much we missed Him.  When God isn’t a regular part of our lives, we are incomplete.  I know I only have to wait until Monday, but how long are you going to wait until your reunion with God?




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