Monday, July 19, 2010

Coming Home

At the moment we are driving just outside of Chicago on our way back from a week in New York for a family reunion with Garth’s family.  It was a wonderfully splendid time of “catching up” with those we haven’t seen in awhile.  Garth’s Dad, and his wife Priscilla, live on Keuka Lake and have a beautiful bed-n-breakfast there. (Tudor Hall).  Friday was Priscilla’s birthday so we were all able to celebrate that event together.  Her son Eric even flew in from Poland to surprise us all.

The kids had great fun in the water, going off the rope swing, tubing, riding in the pontoon boat and the paddle boat, splashing in the hot tub, and playing games with cousins.  It was such a special time.

We had plans of spending part of today with our kids in Chicago, but when we stopped to park we noticed that our back tire was very low, almost flat.  The man at the gas station said that it would be hard for us to find a station that could fix the tire since it was Sunday and most places are closed.  We went into one building to use the bathroom before we got back on the road and got stuck in the elevator.  You know me, I pulled out the camera and took pictures.  Poor Emma.  She was so scared!  She was crying.  Then there was Wyatt-who doesn’t help the situation by saying to everyone, “I hope we don’t die in this elevator!”  That made her cry harder.  We were able to push the call button and a security man came and got us out.  Such excitement!

Hopefully we will make it home on this tire.  If not, it will just add to the adventure.  And you can be sure that I will be taking pictures!!!

Love you



And some pics from Arlington National Cemetery:


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