Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cale’s Mantra.

We are slowly moving forward with Garth’s recovery.  He is still in a lot of pain.  We went back to the doctor to talk to him about the whole procedure and to get some  answers to our questions.  After quite some hemming and hawing, the doctor finally admitted that there was a “chance” he perforated the muscle when he went in with the scope.  That would explain the intense pain Garth is having in one area.  Pray for him as he has a long way to go.  We will be leaving the country on Aug. 8th

My Dad was able to get us tickets to take the kids to Timber Ridge Water Park at Grand Geneva.  So Monday was full of trips up and down the slides.  It was great fun to say the least.  Cale had a mantra the whole time that went like this:  “I can do it…I don’t need help…”  As his Mom however, I knew better.  There were a few situations where my hand right under him to catch him saved him from some bumps and bruises.  It made me think about God and how He deals with us.  There are many times I think I have the same mantra to Him.  “I can do it fine on my own, God.  If I run into trouble, then I will call you.”  But, being God, He knows better, doesn’t He?  His hand is always there.  And He saves us from many bumps and bruises.

I wonder how many more troubles I would be spared if I was holding His hand instead of pushing it away…




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