Sunday, March 7, 2010

Making a Difference

Today the High schoolers' were in charge of the whole Sunday service.  They shared updates and showed a video of what their two weeks in Merauke was like.  (In case you don’t know what I am talking about, let me inform you.  The entire High School and teachers along with  a nurse and a dentist went to Merauke as a service project.)  Some of the things they did while they were there were:  run kid’s camps, help build fences so the cows stay out of people’s gardens, paint, help at a youth center, set up a temporary medical clinic and dentist clinic.  (The kids were able to assist in pulling teeth and treating wounds.)  With Merauke having the highest number of people with HIV/AIDS in all of Papua, the kids were also able to do some AIDS clinics to inform them of ways AIDS is spread and how it can be prevented.  It was a lot of hard work but they persevered and really made a difference.  I am so proud of them.

The middle school kids here have been raising money for an orphanage in Haiti.  Last week it was all tallied up and the amount came to a whopping rp. 9.8 juta (which is almost one thousand dollars)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Way to go kids!  You should have heard them cheering when they heard the amount!

Our Mission Organization MAF is still making a difference in Haiti.  They have been there since the beginning working with many organizations like World Food Program, and Samaritan’s Purse trying to get the much needed food and medical supplies where they need to go.

In the news you always hear about the tragedies that are happening all around you.  It can be quite depressing.  I hope you read these stories of regular people making a difference and get inspired.  The next person to make a difference could be the person beside you, or it could be you!

Love you-


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