Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dirt Clod

This afternoon Garth and I had a chance to play racquetball.  Cale usually plays on the nearby playground or right outside the door with his cars while we are in there.  During the game today, I heard a “Bang! Bang! Bang!” against the door.  Opening it I noticed my beautiful son standing there, brown from the amount of mud smeared all over, with outstretched hands full of his latest mud treasure.  He was very proud of this creation and wanted me to celebrate the joy of mud with him. “Look, Mommy!  Look what I made!”  Now depending on how you look at it, either you see two hands full of mud, dirt, grass and other assorted earthly finds, or you see a haphazard piece of organic art carefully sculpted by a four year old.  I chose to be impressed.

Thinking about that incident later, I realized that we are often like that mud.  Well, I know that I am.  I will feel lousy about myself, or how things went, or things I should have done differently, or said or not said…and I feel bad.  Like a dirt clod.  Ever feel like that?  But the Bible says that God made us-He formed us and we captivate Him.  We amaze Him.  He is thrilled that we exist.  So whether we feel like a precious piece of art or not, He is excited in us.  His hands are outstretched ready to take that clod of dirt and do something awesome with it.  Something amazing.

So don’t despair when things go wrong and you feel fairly useless.  Remember, there is someone who thinks that you are beyond incredible. 

You take His breath away!

And I love you too!


1 comment:

Heidi said...


I really needed a pick-me-up this afternoon, and your message here about our beauty in the eyes of the Lord truly spoke to my heart. You have been incredibly blessed with a gift to find deep devotional thoughts in the simplest things, and I am blessed continuously through the thoughts you post here on your site.


--Heidi Roberts