Saturday, February 27, 2010


Sophie is always writing stories…wonder who she gets that from???  The other day I happened to look at the story she was working on.  This is what I found on the first page, “In 1999 the sea was very rough, and boys thought girls were not smart.”  The dedication page read, “This is for Joel ‘cause he thinks girls are not smart.”

This week has been a week where my girls are learning some lessons about boys.  Sophie -with her friend Joel, who thinks that boys are always smarter than girls.  And poor Emma…there is a boy in her class that has such a crush on her.  He has been following her around, teasing her, and walking behind her copying everything she says.  I explained to her that if she ignores it, he will stop.  It is driving her crazy.  I told her she is just too lovable and irresistible. 

Tomorrow will be a very crazy day here for me.  There is Cale’s preschool class, a morning meeting, my regular Friday class with the Kindergarteners, and all of the High Schoolers' will be coming back at random times during the day.  Along with that Garth will be gone until about 5 and so will some of my pembantus.  It is an Islamic holiday and so two of them will not be coming in.

You know, this whole thing with that boy and Emma has me thinking.  What kind of people do I attract?  Or you attract?  If we looked, who would we see following us?  What if someone was following behind us everyday copying everything we did or said?  Would we be embarrassed?  Humiliated?  I so often forget that all of my words, and actions, and even thoughts are seen and heard.  God doesn’t take the words out of my mouth and compare them to some criminal in jail and tell me, “Oh, Rachel.  Compared to him, you are an angel…so what you said back there is really no big deal.”  UHHHHHHHH!  That is wrong.  I need to hold my words up to what Jesus would say.  How does it compare to that?  Same with my actions, and my thoughts.

Speaking of thoughts-I happen to think that girls just might be smarter than boys…haha!  (Don’t throw eggs at me!)

Love you all


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