Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Language Arts Museum

Today was the Grand Opening of the Language Arts Museum.  The children from Kindergarten through Eighth grade have been working hard on presentations to perform for all of us today.  Wyatt’s class was part of the wax museum.  They transformed themselves into the famous person they had studied. When you pushed the button by them they would give a biography on their life.  Emma’s class did fun poems by  Jack Prelutsky, Sophie with her friend Hannah, taught people how to start a story with a bold beginning instead of a plain, ordinary sentence.  Cale had a very wonderful time at “school” making sculptures out of clay with his eyes closed, drawing a picture of what you see in the clouds and listening to the interpretations of “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.”


I love it when teacher’s find creative ways to make learning fun!



1 comment:

BabyBeluga said...

Sounds like the kids had so much fun. I can't agree with you more, I do enjoy helping my kids' teachers doing all kind of projects in class too.