Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Big Day

The Organization we are with, MAF, has been working hard in Haiti.  Just the other day, they were able to help a woman named Danita.  She owns an orphanage in Ouanaminthe. Some of the kids were badly injured and wouldn’t have been able to make the 9 hour walk.  So MAF flew them in one of their airplanes.  They have also been flying in food to different stations, along with medical teams and supplies, and much more.  I am so thankful that they can be helping during such a difficult time.  The kids here have been raising money for one of the orphanages by making and selling cookies and donuts and coconuts.  (Not making coconuts, just selling them.  Ha ha)  I am attaching some pictures that MAF sent us of their time in Haiti.

Yesterday was a big day for me (emotionally).  Cale wanted a haircut and asked me to cut off his curls.  He has been asking me for months and I always say no.  However, I could see how it was hot for him and would get all full of sweat and the hair would stick to his face…so I cut it.  Emma was with me and she was sad to see the curls go as well.  Cale LOVES the new look .  The haircut sure makes him look older.  I was not ready for that.  He is my baby!

The first picture is a before picture.

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There was no school today so we all went to the pool.  It turned out to be a big day for Cale.  He decided he wanted to learn to swim underwater.  He did a fantastic job.  I am so proud of his efforts. 





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