Friday, October 9, 2009


What do you do when it rains?  How do you feel?


Not just literal rain, but trials, troubles, tears???  We all love a gentle rainfall because it changes things up, gives us variety, makes things look fresh again…but what about when you have a storm in your life and you can’t tell when it will end and the rain just keeps getting harder and harder and you feel overwhelmed and soaked through and through??  We run for cover to escape the rain, don’t we?

We get the best rain storms here.  I love it!  The thunder is magnified and the lightning more majestic and the storms bound over the mountains with such force you just stand amazed.  Do you know what the kids here do when it rains?  They run outside.  They want to be a part of it.  They want to soak it in.


I want to be like that.  When God hands me a trial, I want to jump into it and experience it with my mind and my heart, so when the storm is over I am more alive.  Without the rain, life would be dull.  We need the gentle rainfalls and the difficulties of the storms to understand the purpose of being.  Just as the sky reflects the rain in a rainbow, we reflect God through our life. 

Next time a storm hits you and the rain is coming down and there are puddles all around you, don’t despair.  The storm won’t last forever.  Jump in, and splash around.  The water is fine.

Love you



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