Friday, October 2, 2009


99% of my emails could begin with this sentence and be entirely true-“Boy, was it hot today!” But, I am happy to report that today was actually a little bit cooler. I went shopping in jeans, can’t remember the last time I did that! How refreshing to have a relief from the heat. Thank you Lord!
Cale said to me today, “Mom, I love God. I think I am going to marry him!”
Wyatt has been having some problems with Math. I spent some time talking to him on the importance of understanding the confusing stuff now before more things get piled on top and then it just gets harder and harder. So, he took it upon himself to ask his Math teacher if she would come over a few days a week to help him. She said “Yes,” and that has been such a blessing. He is beginning to understand and doing much better.
Emma on the other hand continues to think her life would be soooooooooooo much better without Math. It consumes her homework hours every single day.
Sophie was home from school Monday and Tuesday with a bad headache and a Urinary tract infection. But she has bounced right back with some help of antibiotics and is doing just fine. I have been feeling better lately as well. Thanks for your prayers.
Garth is speaking in High School chapel tomorrow. I will let you know how that goes. Cale has started in a preschool program and loves it. He feels like a big kid. His classes are on Tuesdays and Fridays for 1 hour. I will take pictures tomorrow so you can see.
Love you all-
BatMom (Cale informed me that I could be BatMom and he would be BatMan!)

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