Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our Weekend

Our internet has been down lately.  Garth will take this email up to the computer lab to see if he can send it.  Just in case it works, I thought I would check in and see how you all have been doing.  I heard there was a little bit of snow coming down by you.  WOW!  That seems early.  The other day Sophie was supposed to draw a snowman and she couldn’t remember what one looked like so she drew a man laying on the ground with snow falling on him.

Let me tell you what has been going on in our neck of the woods-

Thursday-Volleyball tournaments started.  Garth had to do a lot of refereeing and coaching.

Friday-We attended a Ballroom Dancing class put on by one of the missionary families.  That was really interesting.  I needed a taller partner,  I was trying to dance with Cale…haha.

clip_image001clip_image002 Friday - Cale had his “school.”

clip_image003clip_image004Wyatt’s class had a performance.

Cale and I cooked up some pumpkins.  I let him scoop out all the seeds.  He thought it was so cool!  And then more volleyball.


clip_image008Saturday- From 2:30 until 11 pm there were volleyball tournaments going on.  Talk about a long day for those kids!  But they did great-none of our teams won in the final round, but they played really well together and were much improved.  The Indonesian rules for volleyball allow the players to use their feet.  Many of them play barefoot and all of them use their feet to kick the ball up when it is too low to reach with their hands.  It is very amusing to watch.

Sunday- Was a nice relaxing day with not much going on.  It was perfect after a long late weekend.  I made taco salad using my sister-in-law Brenda’s recipe.  (The kids all say “Thanks you” for the recipe – they LOVED the salad).  Of course I had to make a few adjustments since there are certain things we can’t get here but it was delish!

clip_image009clip_image010Everybody hug Wyatt!

That is the end of the page so I must say Good-bye.  Hope you are all well.

Love you-Rachel


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