Monday, December 1, 2008

Don't touch me!

Sophie just got up from bed and came out here. I don’t know if she was half-asleep or all asleep. But she said, “I can’t sleep because I miss Wisconsin so much. I can’t even remember what I used to put on my sandwich at Subway.”
Isn’t that hilarious?
Today, we had Pak Pete come over to fix our doorknob-for the third time (Dad, I think you worked on it when you were here, too). Cale was so funny telling him how to do it. “No, use this one…not so loud…don’t do it like that…do it like this…) Pak Pete worked on it for about a half hour and then it was quiet. I was in the kitchen and walked back to see if he was done. There was Pak Pete sitting on the floor with Cale coloring in a coloring book. Cale was telling him to color the shoes a different color. They colored awhile and then Pak Pete had to go. Cale was calling, “Don’t go. Stay and color with me.” He thinks everyone that comes over is here for him.
Just like everywhere we go, he gets free stuff. At Aneka Mas he gets free candy or gum and at the pasar he gets free jeruk manis (oranges). Everyone knows him and if I dare go into a store without him, people are sorely disappointed. When we walk into a store there are always shouts of “Cale.” Just like the song…”You want to go, where everybody knows your name…”
Today at the pasar, a lady pinched his cheek, and he was appalled. He held his cheek as he was ranting to me. “Mom, she pinched my cheek. She did. Right here. And it hurts. Real bad. Oww. Let’s put ice on it.” That was the first time that someone here really hurt him-he was so funny about it. How appalled he was. Like he might go back and deck her.
We just had a fun dorm meeting playing telephone Pictionary. Now it is time for bed.
Love to all-

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