Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Doing Laundry

Did you ever play Bloody Murder/Ghosts In the Graveyard? I did when I was a kid and now my kids love to play it. They had a blast playing it today. Games are so fun. One thing I found in the States this summer and gave the kids for Christmas this year is a Chinese jump rope. Remember doing that? Inside, outside, side, side, on…Did you ever do Double Dutch? Four square? Recess was always such a great part of the day. I love watching my kids enjoy the same things that I did. Good, wholesome fun.
Well, we have been having loads of fun here. The kids said they would help me with the laundry. Come to find out, they decided if they wear everything in the basket then they have less to fold. Sophie decided to wear all of the underwear so she put them all on and then was running through the house. Wyatt and Emma were wearing the rest. What a bunch of goofballs.
We have the key to the school library so we went up there for awhile this morning and checked out a ton of books. Now, if you know me, you know that when I say a ton, I mean it. Books are one of my favorite things. One day I will have some of my own published. The kids all love to read, and they know that I am a sucker for their night time requests for …”one more book.” So I am always looking for new material. Before we leave we will have read most of the books in the library.
Garth and Wyatt and Cale went out on a motorcycle ride today and about 5 minutes after they left it started to pour. Sure enough they got caught in it and came home soaked. When Garth pulled in, Cale exclaimed, “Yeah, Dad. You made it.” I decided that it would be a good time to mop all our floors while they were gone (of course), so wouldn’t you know that they would get home all wet and muddy??? After I cleaned it up again, and had JUST dumped out my mop bucket, Sophie dropped a glass and shattered it all over the floor. Ha!
You will get a kick out of this-I went out to our gudang (our laundry area outside) to check on the kittens and bring them some food. But when I got there I couldn’t find them. The kids made the kittens a play area with a bunch of boxes that they cut out windows and doors. So I bent my head over to look in one of the doors and there staring back at me was a big (dead) lizard with his arms and legs chewed off. All that was there was his fat body and head.
I am such a jumpy person to begin with-these kinds of things do not help my nerves. Garth sure thought it was funny though.
I am off to bed.
Love you all-

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