Monday, November 24, 2008

Jet Trail

Here I am finally able to sit down after another crazy day of working in the kitchen. Both of our kitchen helpers did not show up today. I just found out that Ibu Poppi will not be in all week. She hurt her shoulder and went to the hospital for x-rays. Our other kitchen helper is very new and doesn’t feel like she can cook by herself yet. But she can do the dishes and clean. However, she didn’t show up today either. So…I was able to make spaghetti with a homemade sauce and garlic bread and I made rolls and potato soup for dinner. Tomorrow we are supposed to have company for lunch so we will see how that goes.
Right now we are enjoying a beautiful rain. The only problem is that Garth and Cale are out on a motorcycle ride around the lake by the cross. Garth just called to say that it is not raining there, however, he can see the rain and it looks like it is headed toward them. The girls are at ballet and Wyatt was running laps around the soccer field. He is trying to get in shape for Track-N-Field Day. (Next year!)
The girls had a hard time sleeping last night. They were thinking about Timber. (In case you didn’t read my email from yesterday-Timber was my parents dog and a big part of our family. He died on Saturday.) At breakfast they were talking about it, and Wyatt said, “He really died?” And we were all looking at him like “What? Don’t you remember our entire day yesterday talking about it and stuff?” And he said, “Man, I thought it was just a bad dream that I had.” Sophie wrote a wonderful story about how she felt. I will post it on the blog.
So, what are you all doing for Thanksgiving? I am still not sure what I am doing, or what day we are celebrating (the kids have school on Thursday), and with whom we are celebrating. Some of the dorm kids will be here and some won’t. I am trying not to think about how far away from you all I am. It is good that I have been so busy lately. It keeps my mind off of that.
The other day when we were out an airplane flew over head and made a jet stream behind it. You might think-no big deal. Well, here it was. The airplanes here don’t do that. Someone said that it is never cold enough in the air for a plane to leave a trail. I am not sure if that is the reason or not. But it was such a sight. I saw Indonesians stopping to stare and point at the amazing sight. They thought it was so cool. So did Cale. Simple things can be beautiful if you stop to enjoy them.
Keep looking up. You never know when you might see something amazing!
Love you-

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