Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Order is being restored to the hostel. Ibu Poppi was at work and able to work today. She is still moving slow so she has just been doing lunch, but hopefully tomorrow she will be able to do both meals. What a blessing having house help is. I am so thankful that I am not in the kitchen all day everyday doing dishes and cooking food.
Cale and Sophie have been home with colds and coughs (Cale sounded like he had croup), but they are both doing much better. Cale had to have some nebulizer treatments because he was having a hard time breathing, but now…better. Yahoo!
Garth had a lovely birthday on Saturday. Can you guess how old? We had a big chocolate cake and microwave popcorn and actual Diet Pepsi (that was a surprise). A friend found two Diet Pepsi’s at a store in Jakarta in August and saved them for Garth’s birthday. How fun! Garth got a lot of homemade things from the kids and Mom and Dad and Donald and Carlena sent some stuff a while ago that I saved for the party.
I have been wanting to tell you about how I did on my goals. I made much improvement. The one I was having the hardest time with was being happy. It is interesting that these last two weeks before the deadline was when I was tested the most. Without our pembantus and with the kids sick and Garth speaking everyday at school…it was tough. But you know? (And I am DEFINITELY not saying this to toot my own horn, but to show you that God really can do miracles) I was able to be ok with the situation. I really was. Not a fake ok, but I was calm, and together. I put my iPod in the kitchen and was singing away to Christmas carols while I was cooking, and I really was happy. There is a lady here that teaches high school and she has been here since 1967. She told me the other day that there is no where she would rather be and nothing she would rather be doing. I am not at the point that I can say that, but I am working on being content where ever I am. And for that I can only thank God, because last year at this time, I couldn’t wait to move back home.
What makes you happy? What is it that truly makes you happy? I am happiest when I am around my whole family, that is why it so tough for me to be here. But I am learning that when I am willing to be content in a tough situation, God can bless me. And He has. There are a lot of little things here that God is using to make me happy. Garth and I see each other so much more now than we ever did. The kids get to spend time with both parents. The sunsets here are out of this world! I have help with laundry-wouldn’t you love someone to help you sort socks? I could go on, but my point is that, we can find happiness in little things. And even if our situation is not ideal, we can still find ways to be content. Please know that I am not perfect in this-I am a work in progress. When I talk like this I am always including myself. For sure. I have just as many grump days as you.
HAPPY - Having A Positive Perspective Year-round.
Send me some snow…snow makes me happy! Ha ha.
Love you all-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - I've commented before. I love your blog, and Papua is still home to me. I currently work for a mission organization in Dallas, and yesterday we had our quarterly day of prayer. One of the presenting families works as house parents for orphan kids in Russia. They were brutally honest about how completely drained and run down they were six months ago, and how a Christian counselor reminded them this past summer about the abolute importance of their own personal relationships with Christ, and how they would be incapable of doing their ministry without having that well of strength to dwell on.

I thought of you all, since I saw a couple of dorm parents burn out in my time in Papua, and I prayed for you. You are doing such an awesome thing - thanks for that!