Friday, February 8, 2008

February 7, 2008 - What a Coincidence

Life is funny, isn’t it? Here we are in Papua, Indonesia and we happen to run into a guy from Chicago, Illinois at the grocery store. What are the odds of that happening? His name is Mike and he has been in Indonesia since September on an extended surfing holiday. He stayed in Bali for 6 weeks (near where we stayed), and he was in PNG (Vanimo, same place we were), and now he is in Sentani for about a month. He was interested in finding out some information on surfing and renting a motorcycle so we brought him home with us and tried to help him out with all of that. That was cool and hopefully we will see him more.
Sophie came home from school yesterday and said, “Mom, today I talked to my friend Gracella about Jesus. I told her that Jesus loves her and wants her to believe. And I told her she should start going to church and read her Bible and that she should start acting better-cuz she always gets her name on the board. And then I showed her how to pray. Later when I was going to go by her at recess, she was praying. So I left her and walked away.”
Woo-hoo Sophie! Way to Go!!!!!!!
Garth, with his vast supply of patience, decided to let me try to drive the motorcycle. We went out on the soccer field for my first lesson. Garth is a good teacher and I am…trying. I will tell you honestly, that I did not do great. It is a big bike and I was trying to balance it with Garth on the back. There are a lot of things to do at the same time and I didn’t remember them all. Hopefully the next lesson will be better.
The dorm kids will return tomorrow. They are all coming in on different flights so they will be arriving from 8:30 to 2:00. I am sure they will be tired, hungry and full of exciting stories. We are all looking forward to it. We restocked the house full of fruits and veggies and Poppi and I have been baking up a storm. Tomorrow should be fun!
So, I hear some of you are being bombarded with snow. It looks beautiful. We have been watching it online. We are getting monsooned with rain. If our rain had been snow, we would have more than you. Please be careful out there driving. “Hati hati.” (Be careful).
I will talk to you tomorrow-hopefully-we are having problems with our internet. I will try.

1 comment:

Vicki S. said...

Hey! Such great pictures!I'm really asking for good health for you guys. Ang is fine. She is gone to church, unless she's babysitting for Kirsten, from early morning to late at night. We can't figure out what she does until so late!!! I'm so glad that she enjoys her job so much. Thank you for your input to push for that job when you were here! I'm so excited that you are coming for 2 months in the summer! Got to go! My first graders will be coming in, in 3 minutes. Vicki