Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 5, 2007 - Garth's testimony, kitties, and puzzles

I found a cat today, or I guess I should say kitten. It was under a loader-ironic that it was under a loader. Garth has been saying NO to getting a cat for years, and now, here in Indonesia, I found one under a loader-his mode of transportation for almost 15 years. Well, it is so cute. White and orange. Tiny little thing. But we may not be able to keep it. We wanted to make it an inside kitty but that wasn’t working out with the couches, AND it peed on my pillow-gross! Our pembantu Agu is amazing at cleaning stuff like that, so I know she will take care of it in the morning. Anyways, the cat is now in our gudang (laundry area) but can get out so she may not be there in the morning. We gave her lots of chicken remains from a chicken I cooked up for dinner and some milk along with a box with a nice soft towel in it. So hopefully she will decide to stay. The girls will be so upset if they wake up in the morning and the kitty is gone. I will be sad too.
I forgot to mention in my last email that Garth did a fantastic job in church on Sunday. He was talking about what his life was like before he found God. He was an alcoholic, and doing drugs, sleeping around…not very good. He worked at a rock quarry driving heavy equipment, had long hair, a tattoo, and took his paycheck to the bar every weekend and drank it away. Then his best friend’s little brother told him about how Jesus loves him and started talking about spiritual things. Garth got convicted realizing that he didn’t really know God. He just knew about Him. It was that night that he decided to put his faith and trust in what Jesus Christ did on the cross to get him to heaven. It was a few years before Garth really changed his life. He didn’t know much about going to church and reading the Bible, at first. But once he realized how to learn more about God his life really started to change. He gave up smoking, drinking and drugs, along with sleeping around. Getting involved in a good church was a huge part of his new life. That is where he first heard about the idea of going to Bible college. AND-drum roll please-his first day at Bible college, HE MET ME! Boy, did that ever change his life…In a good way of course. He never would have ended up here, that’s for sure. God had an amazing plan for Garth’s life and still does. Just like He does for you. You know, Garth thought he was a Christian because he knew about God, went to church when he was a kid, etc. but the Bible is very specific about salvation-“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31 and John 3 :16 “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life.” Garth talked about all of this and showed pictures of what he used to look like. That always gets big laughs. I have been thinking about - if Garth had never decided to believe in God, how drastically that would have affected my life. I can pretty much guarantee you that I never would have met him. The way he used to be would have scared me. I would have never known his family, or had these exact kids, who knows where I ‘d be or where he’d be. He says he would have been dead-without God. I am so thankful for the way God has blessed us.
O.k. before I go, I have a funny Sophie story. It goes like this:
Sophie-“Mom, want to do some puzzles?”
Sophie pulls out two 100 piece puzzles and gives one to me and one for her.
I say, ”Sophie, do you want to do one together?”
Sophie-“Uh, Mom, you know your kids are not always going to want to do puzzles with you, so maybe you should start learning how to do them by yourself.” What a goober. Just like her Dad, right?
Well, I must be going.
Love you all,

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