Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 4, 2007 - What Does My Finger Have To Do With Pepsi?

Sophie and a first grade boy started a club. His name is Dorian and he is cute. He is the King and she is the Queen. I asked Sophie what they do in this club and she said they follow Dorian around and look for things. The other day they found some rope. I remember having clubs when I was in school. However, we never walked around looking for rope.
On Sunday we took the dorm kids to a new restaurant here called Bakso. It was very nice, and the kids enjoyed it. I hope we do it again. It was so nice for me not to rush home from church to try to get the meal on the table with 15 hungry people standing around waiting.
The clouds here lately have been so amazing. Especially around the mountains and in front of the sun. Totally cool. And today we had a rainbow that was so low across the front of the mountain it was touching trees. Does anyone know why the rain storms here are so fierce? Why are they so much more powerful here than they were back home? If you know, email me.
O.k. I have a trivia question for you-In what ocean is the underwater mountain range called Christmas Range found? Don’t look it up on the internet…unless you want to…let’s see who can be the first one to email me the answer!
I am so in the Christmas spirit. The other day I made a huge pan of brownies and crushed up some candy canes in it. Yummy! I should have timed how long they lasted. That pan was empty in minutes. Today I actually found a store that had small packages of Oreos. So I made a bunch of chocolate cupcakes and crushed the Oreos in them. Those are gone too. It is so fun to go to a store and actually see things that I might find in a store back home-however, there is often writing on the packages here that I cannot read, but still, I recognize the label. Speaking of things I recognize: I found a Pepsi shirt here that says, in big print-“Proud Pepsi” then underneath in smaller print it says, “the strong middle finger of American corporation.” Whatever that is supposed to mean. You would crack up shopping with me. The shops here try so hard to make their stuff look American, but they don’t know what the English words mean, so for us they are hilarious. Some of the other shirts we have seen would not be appropriate for me to write on the blog, so I will stop here. Come visit and I will take you shopping.
On a much different note, we found out that 2 kids that are living with us here in the hostel will not be back after the Christmas break. They will be going to North Carolina to be with their parents. At the moment, their parents are in Ireland, but are being transferred to N. Carolina because of a job change. So we will be sad to see them go, but happy that they can be back with their parents. Oh, and while I am talking about sad things, Cale has ringworm. YUK! Just a little spot on his arm from the cat that hangs around the hostel. We are treating it and he is not uncomfortable, so all is well. Could be a lot worse.
Tomorrow starts our big High School Soccer tournament. We are all excited about that. It goes through Saturday morning. So everyone is trying to rest up for that. Including me, so I better go.
Love you,

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