Wednesday, October 5, 2011



On Friday Mom and I were a part of a Chili Cook-Off at the Bay High School.  The whole day leading up to that moment was crazy busy so we were in quite a rush.  I went to pick the girls up from school only to find out that Wyatt had missed the bus.  I went to his school to find him and couldn’t, so that was a time eater.  Finally home and rushing about to get everything we need for the cook-off when Sophie says she is hungry.  I said she needed to make a snack.  She picks Easy Mac.  You put water in the container and then put in the micro for 3 minutes.  Well, she forgot the water.  So the container and noodles were black, smoke is just pouring out of the micro.  We stop everything to frantically open all the windows and try to fan the smoke away from all the smoke alarms…Oh, did it smell!!  Hours later when we came home it still smelled!  It was horrible.  The microwave, four days later still contains that foul stench.  We had left the charred remains on the counter because it looked so cool and Sophie wanted to take it to school for Show-N-Tell.  Once we finally threw it away, the smell began to lessen and finally go away.

The whole ordeal reminded me of how we talk to God about some temptation or sin we may be dealing with, and talk about how we want to change.  Yet we keep the things around us that are tempting us, or we keep allowing ourselves to be in a place that will just encourage the temptation.  Don’t do that!  Get rid of it!  Stay far from it!  Adam and Eve were hanging out right around the one tree they were not supposed to eat from.  They should have been as far from that as possible.

In Timothy it says,”…run from all these evil things, and follow what is right and good.”  It is hard to run from them if we are holding on to them, right?  So, get rid of them.


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