Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Boat Ride

We have so many things to be thankful for don’t we?  We truly enjoyed every minute of the kids break from school this week.  It was so very nice.  On Wednesday we went with some friends on a boat ride on Lake Sentani.  We timed it so we could watch the sunset from the water.  It was beautiful!


After the boat ride we went into town and bought Nasi Bunkus.  There is a wonderful lady that sells the best yellow rice with chicken and noodles for a dollar a package.  Can’t beat that can you?


This week went way too fast.  But I am thankful that it didn’t just pass us by.  We grabbed on to it and enjoyed the ride.

Love you all



Sweet Batik said...

Look so much fun! How much does it cost to rent the boat?

Love, Dina @ htpp://

The Ericksons said...

Sweet Batik- The boat ride is around rp.200,000. It is always worth the money. Love your blog! Would love to see the finished shoes!