Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Blog Post from Wyatt

It’s Christmas and I am without a mom and a brother. It’s been hard because she brings a lot of the joy to our family. At Christmas we usually do a bunch of family things, but this year we don’t have a mom or a brother. My dad and I have missed them a lot more than we thought we would, but the girls on the other hand miss them like nothing before. We have been opening one present just about every day and Sophie and I asked if we could sort the presents. Dad hesitated at first but said sure. While sorting, I saw that mom only had one present and hurt so bad to see that too. But just think, of how much stuff she’s done for us and provides a ton of presents for us but only gets ONE present sheesh! Thank you mom. The dorm kids left three days ago and that’s been weird too. We are used to falling asleep to loudness. But it’s been so quiet lately. The pembantus are still coming in probably until Christmas eve. We watched a movie called Merry Christmas Drake and josh and we (wyatt, Emma, Sophie) have memorized it. It is my favorite movie. We have watched one movie almost every night of Christmas break so far. At Sunday night soccer I jumped up really high to get a ball. I basically did a backflip and landed wrong. I got so many injuries then. Well that basically sums all of whats going on while mom and cale are gone.

Wyatt Erickson

1 comment:

Lindsay Brazeau said...

Hey Wyatt!

Great post,you are such a thoughtful son I am sure your Mom feels blessed by you and your siblings everyday :)

I hope that you recover quickly from your soccer injuries so that you can enjoy that month off school. You are lucky, we only have two weeks here.

Jeremy and I miss you and your family. We pray for you all the time! Take care and Happy New Year!

Love Lindsay