Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Birth

Christmas is drawing closer.  It is amazing how here there are burst of the holiday season everywhere you look.  If I was in Indonesia right now, I would see some decorations in some of the store, (nothing like here) and I would be blasted day and night with Christmas music being played at the loudest possible decibel from little huts called pondak natals.  Christians build these huts just for the Christmas season to show everyone what they believe.  It is their chance to show the community that they are Christians.  Since it is amazingly loud, it takes quite a bit of persistence to learn to sleep through them.

However, I like how proud they are of their faith.  I know here, there are more and more people trying hard to make this a holiday season and not a religious season.  I think that is awful.  There are so many things in this world that are meaningless-we need more things with genuine worth.  Like a holiday to celebrate the birth of a baby born so long ago in Bethlehem.  The birth that changed everything-the birth that changed a world without hope to a world full of hope!  Don't forget the meaning of the star, the true reason we give gifts and what this holiday CHRISTmas is really about.

Merry Christmas to you all!


On a much different note:  an update on my health.  I went to Milwaukee yesterday and saw a specialist.  It was a very good visit and we found we have much in common.  After a thorough exam and a CT scan he ruled out some ideas of what my problem might be.  The next step is the laparoscopic surgery scheduled for Friday.  That should be the final piece of puzzle.  Pray for wisdom there and a quick diagnosis.


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