Sunday, December 13, 2009

Baby Jesus

This week has been cold. Thursday I woke up and the thermometer said it was below zero. Do you realize that is more than 100 degrees difference from Indonesia? My, oh my! I have learned to love layers.

Besides the cold I am loving the winter beauty and Cale is having a blast with the snow. He wakes up with this phrase, "Mom, can I go out and play in the snow?" He built a snowman with my sister, and went sledding at some friends house...helped shovel the driveway...and made tunnels with my parents puppy. What more could a 4 year old want?

As far as my health goes, the doctors have decided that the best thing to do is to check me out laproscopically (did I spell that right?). I have a few things going on that they think would be good to have a closer look at. So I will be doing that Friday morning.

Cale has been going to the kids class at my church on Sunday mornings and will be able to be in the Christmas Eve concert in the kids bell choir. That will be so fun to watch. He is super excited. He gets to play the yellow bell. When he was just born he was the baby Jesus in the concert. Now he is the bell ringer.

I hope you are enjoying the holidays. We were able to go to Elmbrook church to the festivities they have called Bethlehem Marketplace. They tranform the church into a market during the time of Bethlehem.  They pass out shekels and you can purchase things from the various vendors. There is a little bit of everything from women throwing pots to dancers, jugglers, even Roman soliders and live camels. It was an amazing thing to see with Cale. At the end there is Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Cale ran back after we had exited and gave his shekels to Jesus. It was a touching moment!

Christmas is all about that baby. Just like Faith Hill sings, "A baby changes everything!" Remember that.

Love you



Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

I hope all of the tests go well! Stay warm!

Lindsay said...

Jer and I will be praying for you, especially on friday.