Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Well, we just got word from the lady watching our cats back home that one of them was hit by a car and died. It was either pregnant Gypsy or Sophie’s kitty Joy. She said it was one of the black and white ones. So I haven’t told the kids yet as that will be awful news.
Garth is still feeling quite terrible. Keep praying for him. We have a flight out at 2:00 am back to Sentani. Pray for the kids as that is a difficult time to wake up and travel.
We did have a nice last day here. The beach in the morning and a relaxing lunch of sandwiches. Then some hang out time in the room (we have cable here, a luxury the kids have not had since last year when we went home to America!) Then we took a walk outside by the golf course so the kids could look for golf balls, and now an early bedtime, so hopefully they will get 5 or 6 hours before we have to leave for the airport.
I will email you all when we get to Sentani and let you know how the flight went.
Love to all

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