Friday, June 26, 2009

We are back!

We are back in Sentani safe and sound. That is always a crazy trip flying through the night and with the time change and all you land feeling like you need another vacation! Haha. Anyways, we arrived and fell right to sleep. Once I woke up I was hit with how different my life is here compared to Bali. There was lizard poop on my pillow, someone had been here while we were gone and there was unflushed stuff in the toilet, eggs rotting in a bowl in the kitchen, eating in instead of going out, etc. etc. It was so fun to be spoiled for awhile though. I feel very fortunate.
Garth is finally feeling better from that flu. It was pretty awful. Now Cale has a cold. Otherwise the kids are settled back into a nice routine. It is fun for me to be a family here and only have to think about our family. Making meals for 6 is a lot easier than 16.
Cale said some funny things the other day. He and Garth were out at a construction site. After awhile Garth said it was time to go and Cale yelled to the dozer driver, “Have fun with your mother!” And yesterday he asked to smell the gas from Garth’s motorcycle and I told him it was not good to smell that. HE looked at me and said, “I am only going to smell it Mom, not eat it.”
Well, hope you are healthy and well.
We love you all-

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