Sunday, February 15, 2009

Queen of What?

If you could be donned Queen (or King) of something what would it be? Now wait, I am not talking Queen of England or Genovia-I mean like Queen of Gossip, or Messiness, or King of Complaining or Being Late…something like that. Name yourself according to a character trait. I was thinking about this the other day and I decided that I would probably name myself Queen of Wanting Things Done Her Way. (QOWTDHW). Ugh! I wish I wasn’t so crazy like that, but I know I am. I was like that as a kid, ask my sister. I have an idea in my head of the “best” way to do things and want them done that way. I can be a crab if they aren’t done that way. Anyone else like that out there? I am trying to take a chill pill and not be so controlling. I think I would name my husband King Of Patience the way he puts up with all of that! Yesterday was one of those days. I was frustrated because we were short a pembantu so that meant that I really should help Ibu Poppi in the kitchen. But first we had to go back to the hospital for Sophie’s eye. (Yahoo! No more spots!) That took a lot longer than I wanted. Then helping in the kitchen and Poppi wasn’t listening to what I was asking her to make. I asked for fried eggs, and she did scrambled, and I asked her to make bread dough and leave it for me to bake but she baked it. I wanted to use it for something for my lunch on Sunday. And the day just spiraled from there. So I was crabby-and had to apologize. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just push your faults away? You know, like load them into a shopping cart and then push them over the cliff and they would be gone? That would be nice, but I know that it is something God and I work on every day, and I am making progress.
On a much different note, I was looking at the tube of Saran Wrap that I bought here the other day and noticed that it has an expiration date on it. Use before Feb. 2013. What will happen to it in March of 2013? Will it decompose????? Will it stop being sticky? So funny-I didn’t know things like that expired.
Hope you all had a very Happy Valentine’s Day. We decided to have a Valentine’s party with the dorm and did Dinner and a Movie. I made pizza and slushies and cake. Then we watched Swiss Family Robinson. What a fun place to live! They talk in the movie of wanting to go to New Guinea. That is right by us. Cale asked Wyatt to get him a baby elephant to ride. Sophie wants all of those animals as pets, except for the tiger.
You should see our waterfall! It is amazing right now. Since it has been raining so much it is huge. You can see the water gushing down in cascading waves right from our living room window. I have never seen it this big. As long as we don’t get too much and have flooding again, I like it. I need to start on lunch for the “mob”.
It’s a happy day because of you!

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