Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Goodnight Book

Today at the orphanage I decided to bring some of Cale’s board books for the students to read. They are really coming along in their English,so I thought it would be a good learning tool for them to practice reading to each other. I asked them to write down the words that they didn’t know and we would talk about them. It was interesting for me to see some of the things they didn’t understand. Like, one book was My Goodnight Book and it talks about Mommy tucking the little girl into bed. That whole concept made no sense to them as they don’t have blankets and covers and are not tucked into bed. Also, it talked about the girl climbing into bed. They have mats right on the ground so they don’t climb. And the book showed the girl kneeling to pray beside her bed. They wondered why her bed was up so high. One of the other books was a farm book that showed a family having a pet cat and a dog that lived in the house with them and sat on their furniture and ate inside. That idea is very foreign as well. Animals live outside and are never considered a part of the family.
I am so thankful and blessed that God allowed me to grow up where I did with the family I did. And I am glad for this opportunity to see how different my life could have been had God chosen to have me born here instead.
As you climb into your soft, warm bed tonight and tuck yourself in, remember to pray and tell God what you are thankful for.
Love you-Rachel

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