Saturday, November 15, 2008


Here we are once again at a nice Saturday morning. It is actually only 75 this morning and a bit overcast. Unbelievable! Time to pull out the jeans and sweatshirts. How refreshing. The kids and I had a fun night watching Mary Poppins. Sophie didn’t remember watching it before and Cale had never seen it. They both really liked it. Cale asked this morning if he could watch it again. Garth was at an overnight with the high school boys last night. I am never quite fond of being home by myself, but we survived. u;kom,.8;j;k;lj. That is from Cale-I left the email for a moment and he thought he would add his two cents.

The kids and I spent a couple of hours this morning making Christmas decorations. I was in the mood. I had four big, green pieces of paper that we used to make a tree and then we cut out 25 ornaments and wrote a number on each so that we can count down the days till Christmas. They will put one ornament on a day until the 25th. That was fun. And we made cards for Cale’s birthday, which is Tuesday. I also showed them how to made paper angels in a chain. I know it is crazy-we haven’t even gotten through Thanksgiving yet and I am thinking of Christmas. I love the holidays! Such fun!

Right now the kids are all outside playing in the rain. We are having a great downpour and I know they will be soaked through, but it is so much fun for them. The rain here comes and goes so quickly. You cannot even see the mountain today as it is engulfed in clouds.

Before I go, I want to ask you to pray for Cale. He has been having some problems with his urine. His levels have been off for two weeks and we are trying to figure out what is going on. Thanks. Also, I wanted to let you know that the director of the school and his wife and three children will be leaving the end of November to get some testing done in the States. The wife has been sick for 2 months and even travelled to Singapore for testing but nothing could be found.
Now, a few minutes later, the rain has stopped, the sun is out and the mountain is back. I am going to go look for a rainbow.

Love to all-


1 comment:

jo said...

Yea for Super Cala Fraja listic!!!! We love her. Love your updates and will be praying for Cale/