Saturday, July 12, 2014


Here is an update on a few of the things that I have been writing you about.
First and foremost is the update on my Precious Dad.  He went in for an MRI where they found out that he has stenosis,which is a narrowing of the spinal canal in 2 or 3 levels due to the compression of the jolt.  He has a fracture in the 5th vertebrae, there is a shift in the vertebrae and some ligament tears.  He needs to get in to see a specialist at St. Lukes.  Pray that he can get in quickly.
He has been released from the hospital and was sent home on pain meds. He is still having very painful leg spasms and needs prayer for relief of those. 
God has a lesson for all of us in this, if we choose to see it.  I am reading through Psalms and found a verse where David prays to God over his troubles.  He says that he doesn't want God to take them all away because then he may forget to trust.  I am not asking God to give my Dad a pain-free life, but I am asking for God to be with him through each moment of pain.  For my Dad to feel His great presence. The comfort of God's strong arms wrapped around him.  For my Super Hero Mom, who always takes on the world to know that it is ok to rest, and stop, and sleep and let others do.
And pray for us, WAY over far away...sitting by the computer waiting for updates...waiting and praying.
Second update is on the presidential election:
As of now both parties are claiming victory.  However, the official announcement won't be until July 22nd.  Pray for there to be a gracious loser.

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