Saturday, July 5, 2014

Skibba Visit

This has been such an amazingly, fantastic 10 days.  We have had so much fun with friends of ours from Wisconsin, Melissa and Jacob.  We have been so blessed by them.  They just loved all over us.  Our church family, the Cornerstone group blessed our pants off!!  Our family, Mom, Dad, Carlena, Annie, Brenda, Andrea, Rachel- Lisa Kenny, the Sorensen's, Asha,Torres...all of you-Thank you for all that you did to make us feel so special.  Thank you for all of the time and effort and money you each spent picking out the "perfect" things for this Indo family!  Thank you to for praying for Jacob and Melissa.  Thank you for helping them get ready to go.  Thanks to all of you that watched their boys, took care of their dog, watched their house etc. Those of you who have been praying for our family, for health and safety.  THANKS SO MUCH!!!  This trip was exactly what our family needed.  We were so encouraged!
We took them to many of our favorite places. Sorry the pictures loaded out of order.  We have internet right now so I am just going to hurry up with this email and send them like that.  I labeled them so hopefully you won't be too confused.

The Cross

The kids at Kali Biru LOVED Melissa, especially Paska and April.

Flying with MAF pilot Steve Richards into the village of Mamit.

Taking the boat out to our favorite beach in Depapre.

In Mamit.

Gotta love MAF!

Sekolah Harapan (School of Hope) in Mamit.

Clay body treatment at Kali Biru.

More pictures at Mamit.

At Kali Biru (Blue River).

Kali Biru.

Harlem Beach.

Steve, our MAF pilot.

Jacob, with our friend, Jason.

Melissa, Rachel, and Jodi.

One of our favorite meals- Nasi Uduk (Rice with coconut milk). 
Melissa with wacky Tammy and her son Ransom. 
Wyatt with his NEW GUITAR!!!!!!!!  How awesome are you guys? Thanks so much!

Coconut drinks on the side of the road.

Pizza Hut-Fish sticks and potato chips on pizza?

On the boat to the beach.

Going to church.

On MacArthur hill.

Snorkeling in the Pacific.

MacArthur memorial.

What a spot!

I couldn't wait to hug this Chickie!

Look at all this stuff!!!  Can you believe it?

Outside our Hostel the morning the Skibbas left.  :'(

We miss you already!  The house is too quiet. Without Jacob, there is no one is here to talk to the cecaks.

These two are such a treasure!  Love you guys!

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